Thursday, December 30, 2010

56 Degrees!

The exterior Christmas decorations are down, and I took not one, but TWO walks today! The creek was running and the snow melted. It was positively balmy. What a wonderful, belated Christmas gift - especially when just three days ago I awoke to this:

Now don't get me wrong. I love the beauty of a winter wonderland. But I despise the cold! So today's melt was a welcome treat. I hear we are headed back into the deep freeze this weekend. And next week, it's back to the reality of work and school.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

What happens when you leave a message on the Miedema answering machine...

....or "Why email is usually your best bet."

I have made it a policy never to publicly bash my husband on my blog. But occasionally something happens that so perfectly illustrates the hard fact that Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus. Here's the most recent such example from our house. It might give you just a bit of insight about why I seem to be losing my mind.

Al: Did you get the message from Susan Janzen?

Felicia: You mean Shannon?

Al: Shannon who?

Felicia: Shannon Janzen.

Al: Whatever.

(Pregnant pause)

Felicia: Well, what was it?

Al: What was what?

Felicia: The message!

Al: Oh, something about your bible study.

Felicia: What about my bible study?

Al: I don’t know. She wanted you to leave something in someone’s mailbox at church.

Felicia: Who’s mailbox?

Al: I can’t remember.

Felicia: Let me listen to the message.

Al: I erased it.

Felicia: Why did you erase it?

Al: Because I figured you knew.

Felicia: How would I have known?

Al: It’s your bible study.

Felicia: That’s ridiculous!

Al: Why do you get so stressed out about everything? Call her back if it’s so darn important.