Saturday, April 20, 2013

New Beginnings

An old friend (well, she's not old, but we've known each other a long time) asked me whether I had stopped keeping my blog. I knew I hadn't been here in a while, but holy smokes, not since July of 2012?! It can't possibly be that long!

I don't know where to start. Life careens by at such a ridiculous pace that 9 months ago seems like only yesterday, but again seems like a lifetime. It's difficult to wax eloquent about a period of time during which life has fundamentally changed. So I won't even try. I'll let the photos tell the story. And then I'll see if I can begin again. After all, there are always things to talk about...


And then everything came to a screeching halt.

December 31, 2012. New Year's Eve will never be the same. Yet out of the ashes arises hope eternal. New beginnings. Life does go on.

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