Saturday, May 11, 2013

What I Really Want for Mother's Day

I need to state up front that the idea for this blog post wasn't mine. I saw a blog post similar to this and thought it was such a good idea that I stole it and made it my own. The specifics are all mine.
My beloved children:

Let me save you the trouble of rushing out for a last-minute card and flowers. I hate to say it, but that has never really done it for me. The card is overpriced and the flowers are dead in a couple of days.
What I really want for mother's day doesn't need to cost you one red cent.

I want you to love God. I want you to obey his word and seek him with your whole heart. I want to catch you reading your bible or praying. Nothing else in life will make sense until you get this first one figured out.
I want you to honor your parents. Not because we are such wonderful people - we aren't. But because God promises "you may live long in the land the Lord your God is giving you." This is the only command that contains a promise, so God must have known he would need to bribe you to obey it.

I want you to be kind to one another. Someday, when your father and I are gone, you will mean more to each other than you can know. Please don't let some thoughtless impulse or silly grudge put a wedge in the fact that you are family. Hold one another up in the hard times, and celebrate together in the good times. Plan time together, even if it isn't convenient.
I want you to be kind to others. Be helpful. Speak encouraging words. Avoid being critical and negative.

I want you to be known for your integrity. Be honest. Let all the words you speak be true; but all that is true does not need to be said.  Don't embellish the facts for your own gain. If you make a promise, keep it.
I want you to seek ways to serve others. See something that needs to be done and do it - without being asked. Study those you love and serve them in ways that are meaningful to them -  rather than in ways  you would like to be served. Take a meal to someone who is ill. Mow lawn for a busy single mom. Go on a mission trip.

I want you to work hard at whatever you do. Avoid the temptation to slide by. Let it never be said of you that you are lazy. Be content in your work, whether you enjoy it or not. As long as you have hands that can grasp, legs that can stand, a sound mine, and food on the table you are blessed.

I want you to be financially responsible. No matter how much you earn, create a budget and stick to it. Save a little out of every paycheck. Don't borrow money you can't pay back. Avoid credit cards unless you can pay the balance entirely every month. Give cheerfully.
I want you to take care of your body. It is the only one you get. Eat healthy food. Exercise regularly. Don't smoke - ever. This is one that most people learn far too late, so start now and never get complacent.

I want you to never stop growing and learning. Seek to improve yourself continually. Read. Take a class. Cultivate your talents.
I want you to be all that God intended you to be. Push yourself to be your best. Remove anything that stands as an obstacle between you and your potential. Ask for advice - and take it. Don't ever believe the lie that it is too late.

Just in case you are still looking for that perfect Mother's Day gift, here are a few more selfish requests:

I want a clean house. I've had this on my list every Christmas, Birthday and Mother's Day for years, and it will remain on my list until Molly Maids is hired or a loving gang of able-bodied people descends upon it and gets it done. And don't forget the windows.
I love picnics. Even those that take place on the living room floor.

I love breakfast in bed, but not a full 7 course meal. A cup of coffee and my breakfast shake would be fine.
I love any dinner that I don't have to cook. It's even better if it's relatively healthy.

I'd love to sleep in.
I love photos. Of you.

But most of all, I love spending enjoyable time with you.
You. Just you. That's all I want for Mother's Day.



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