Saturday, October 04, 2008

Urban Farm Boy

This is, without a doubt, the fundamental difference between men and women. Al willingly, no eagerly, posed for this photo. He looks hot and he knows it. (The definition of the word hot is left to the reader.) These are his official "farming" duds. No overalls for this stud farmer! No, he wears athletic shorts, tennis shoes, and leather gloves. A shirt is an unnecessary hindrance. Sunscreen? Ha! He laughs in the face of UV rays!

Had the camera been pointed at me (and most women I know) I would have run so fast I'd be in the next county by now.

Here are the prize pumpkins that our studly farmer has just harvested. We have a bumper crop (at least 15) this year! The fruits of the summer's labors - watering, hoeing, and carefully turning each pumpkin over regularly so that the sun hits all sides - are finally paying off. And with the price of a pumpkin at $3.99 at HyVee, it looks like this farmer may have finished in the black this year!

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