Sunday, November 16, 2008

The Music in.......We

I've never considered us to be a musical family. While both Al and I played in our high school bands - he played trombone and I played french horn - neither of us could probably squeak out a note today. I took 6 years of piano lessons, and retained about 6 months worth. And singers we definitely are not! Which is why it is so amazing to see half of our offspring demonstrate some real musical aptitude.

This has been a music month. It started with Hannah's very first band concert. She is playing clarinet and has progressed nicely beyond the squeaks and squeals of the first weeks of practice. I was a dutiful parent and carried my camera along to capture the event, only to find that I had left the battery at home in the charger! So, we'll just have to treasure that memory in our minds. This past week, however, I managed to actually capture her signing a solo in her fall chorus concert.

And just last night Hannah played a fun little number titled "Jukebox Boogie" at the annual Fun Fest recital. Papa came along and was so proud of his granddaughter!

And we have no idea where Darrin's talent came from! I know I'm biased, but he just keeps getting better! This past week he coordinated all of the music for Walnut Creek Community Church's annual Celebration Sunday. He was so stressed out that he got sick (either that or he got sick and it added to the stress of the whole thing.) But this morning over 800 people were inspired by music that ranged from a choir singing How Great Thou Art to a rockin' rendition of My God is an Awesome God. It was flawless, and I was incredibly proud. Again, no photos of today's event, but here's a picture taken earlier this fall at a church retreat.

Music definitely has the power to energize or calm, encourage or depress, teach, touch, and heal. Find some music to minister to your soul today.

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