Saturday, April 11, 2009

Photography 101

I was working on a scrapbook page today and I was looking for some "But-Bomb" photos. (This was David's way of pronouncing Batman.) You see, David went through at least two Batman costumes between about 2 and 4 years of age. He wore But-Bomb all day - He slept in his But-Bomb costume, he went to daycare as But-Bomb, he rode his tricycle to But-Bomb's house. But I digress...

I found at least a dozen photos, but this was the best. When I found it I laughed for at least five minutes - not only because a flood of But-Bomb memories overtook me, but more because I realized just how BAD I was as a photographer back in 1994. There are several rules for proper photo composition that I violated severely. Here are just a few:

1. Place your subject's eyes at the line that crosses the top third of the photo (David's eyes can't be seen, but if they could they would be at about the top 1/8th of the photo

2. Move in close to avoid unnecessary "dead' space around your subject (like half the photo being of the carpet!)

But the most important rule is this:

3. Avoid accidentally including a toilet in your photo (Oops!)

For those of you who have given me accolades for my photos, this is solid proof that photography is a learned skill. Oh, and here is the final product of today's work. Click on the photo if you'd like to read the journaling.

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