Saturday, December 12, 2009

The Snowstorm to Beat All Snowstorms

They say we haven't had a snowstorm like this since the 1970's. Yup, it was nasty! Besides giving the kids 2 1/2 show days and shutting down pretty much every business in town (except hospitals, of course), it was the source of a couple of ugly arguments.

First, there was the argument with David about why he could not drive the Mustang to go out with his friends in the middle of a blizzard. Common sense did not prevail, and he decided to walk. He was back in about 15 minutes.

Then there were the periodic short arguments between Al and I about whether or not the city ordinance about shoveling the sidewalk applied to all sidewalks except the one in front of 9419 Hickory Drive, and whether it was wiser to shovel small amounts of snow more often or wait until the storm was over and shovel one time.

But the real blow up came when I reminded Al that HE was the one who has been too cheap to buy a snow blower, to which he vowed that he was going out to buy a snowblower TODAY in the height of the storm. Luckily, there was not a snowblower left in any store in town (I say luckily because had they jacked the price up by a cool grand Al would have gladly slapped the money down.)

Anyway, things are pretty much back to winter "normal," which is lousy any way you cut it. But at least we aren't cooped up together picking fights.

Shovel vs. snow drift...I'm not sure who won.

Yes, there are steps in front of our front door...somewhere under all that snow!

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