Saturday, September 06, 2008

Fall Ball

We're back on the softball fields again. We had a brief reprieve in July and August as the spring season ended, but around here they have something called "Fall Ball" which is a way to keep the girls in practice, and keep the parents running around wildly trying to keep up with all of the activities that take place after school begins. Hannah is a softball player, and we're pretty sure she's going to stick with it. We just love watching these girls play. Softball looks a little like baseball (with the obvious difference in pitching style and size of ball), but has a hefty dose of cheerleading, dancing, camping, and culinary arts thrown in. It's a great sport.

1 comment:

andreamatrix said...

So I'm blog lurking after admiring your photography on JS... You are really talented. I love your stuff! I am NOT a scrapbooker, but you're making me want to check that avenue out!