Saturday, September 06, 2008

The Male Version of a Crop....

For those of you who don't know what a crop is, it's a gathering of people (usually women) who scrapbook, make cards, talk and eat. There is always chocolate involved. My dear husband, Al, hosts periodic LAN parties, which is a gathering of people (usually men) who spend hours in front of computers playing games with one another over the internet. I personally think the two are very similar. My friend Jessica Sprague over at posted this on her blog because it reminded her of what her and her husband do after their kids are in bed (Lord, help them!) Besides being hilarious, it is just a little creepy because it pretty close to what goes on at Al's LAN parties - only he has about ten guys and they are killing one another (virtually, of course) in combat simulation games. The male version does not involve chocolate.


Monique said...

Congratulations on your new Blog, Felicia! Looks like you're doing great with the updates!
I am familiar with those female gatherings. My DH doesn't play computer games, but loves organising wine tastings... Still no chocolate though!

Anonymous said...

Nice job! I look forward to reading it. "The Big Bang Theory” is one of my favorite shows. I must be a geek inside.